Friday, March 30, 2007

You can't go wrong at the Arboretum

Corey is enjoying our new camera. Cora loved having her Aunt Emily come to visit last weekend. We took a trip to the Dallas Blooms! at the Arboretum and entertained people as they watched us try to get good photos of Cora. People watched and laughed as she toppled over--she has recently learned to sit up and is still a little shaky :O)

Sunday, March 11, 2007

daddy melts

daddy melts, originally uploaded by peitho_chrio.


beautiful mama and me

beautiful mama and me, originally uploaded by peitho_chrio.


baby ponders

baby ponders, originally uploaded by peitho_chrio.

I caught this pic while spending an evening with her on a blanket in the back yard. She must be deep in thought.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Mommy, push please.

Mommy, push please., originally uploaded by peitho_chrio.

The 1st encounter with the swing. She hasn't learned to "pump" yet and "underdogs" are still a ways in the future but she sure loves to swing with her friend.